File Orgnization

File Organization 

A file is a collection of records. You can access the records using the primary key. 

The type and frequency of access is determined by the type of file organization used for a particular set of records.

File organization is the logical relationship between different records. This method defines how file records are mapped to disk blocks.

File organization is used to describe how records are stored in the form of blocks and the blocks are arranged on the storage medium. 

The first way to map database to files is to use multiple files and store only one fixed-length record in a particular file. 

Another way is to structure the file so that it can contain records of multiple lengths. A
file with fixed-length records is easier to implement than a file with variable-length records.


File Configuration Purpose Contains optimal file selection.

You can choose the fastest record. Transactional inserts, deletes, or updates of
records should be quick and easy.

Inserts, updates, or deletes do not cause duplicate records. To minimize storage costs,
records should be stored efficiently.

Types of file organization

There are many ways to organize files. 

These particular methods have advantages and is advantages depending on your access and preferences. File organization allows programmers to decide how best to organize files for their needs.

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