Here in this article we will see how to create your first android application using visual studio 2022.
Below are the pictures which shows you how you can create an app by yourself.
First of all open Visual Studio 2022. On start window click on create new project .
In this window it will ask us to select the template for your application, and at the bottom of the window it is asking the platform for which you want to developing the application.
After that click on the create button, which will create the application based on your selection.
Here in the above image you will see multiple projects based on your selection with supported files for each platform you have selected at the time of the project creation.
Congratulations!!! You have created your first multi platform Xamarin application.
No its time to check the application is by running on your android mobile. Just you have on developer mode in you android phone and then connect you android mobile to the computer using USB cable. Then you have to select USB Debugging mode On in developer option. Then the name of you android device will appear at the place of android Emulator. Now you can click on your device to run the application.
For running the application of iOS you should have iOS device or Mac device.